Rob’s Bubble.

Nothing can touch me in my bubble.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

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So its already June! Where did half of ’07 go? Surely I’m not enjoying it that much!

The past few weeks have been a little quiet over here in Singapore. Lately it just seems as though the weekends are getting closer and closer together… Do you ever get that feeling? I tried Googling for some philosophical explanation, but all I could find was some babble about ‘traveling down a spiritual spiral toward enlightenment’ – and unless that means I am about to uncover why almost every zipper in the world has the letters ‘YKK’ on it – I don’t think its a valid explanation. There are some freaky bloggers in this world, let me tell you!

Click that pink link below to check out what’s been going down in the life of the Rob since the last post……

Work. I guess you just take the good with the bad and keep on rollin’ right? There comes a point in every new job where you get a lil excited – you start to feel you are making an impact, making a little progress and beginning to perhaps stand-out – but it doesn’t take long for all that to change. We all go through it. We think we are on to what is going on around us, as though we are finally getting what is going on – but some things are just hard to grasp and sometimes we don’t always get what we had hoped for.
The past few weeks have seen me working and re-working a lingering project along with getting those ‘Quadrant One‘ tasks that all new hires are put through. Its not extremely exciting, but unknowingly, I seem to be getting a grasp on this whole marketing thing – and thats something to smile about. I mean, I can’t even begin to picture a life back in the realm of IT.

Social. Been keeping a low profile since my return from ‘Nam. I managed to contract a lovely little parasite called ‘Mycoplasma‘. Apparently I’m on the tail-end now, on my way to recovery baby, but I tell you what, it has really thrown me out for the past few weeks. I have been on almost every over the counter, under the counter and from-the-inside-of-a-freaky-strangers’-raincoat drug you can think of, but still I am sniffly. I am ok really, its nothing serious, just annoying because on my free days all I can really do is relax, keep my fluids up and try to regain some of my chutzpah!

Love. Is all around me. Speaking to Em every night keeps me sane! I tell you, this long distance thing is tough work! But with determination, anything is possible right? As Robert Spritzel (Michael Caine) once said: “Do you know that the harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing? Nothing that has meaning is easy. “Easy” doesn’t enter into grown-up life.”

So we are in the midst of planning a trip for Em to visit my pad in Singapore sometime in August. We’re just tweaking the finer details and hopefully we should have something locked in by next week. It will be nice once there is a solid date to start looking forward to 🙂

Home. Nothing earth-shattering has been happening at home in recent times. My air-con unit died again, so for the second time in as many months I was without conditioned air for a whole 3 days. I mean waking up in a puddle of your own sweat is nice and all, but its not exactly what I was looking for. Fear not, as my trusty rental agent KK Chow was on the case and got it fixed quick smart – hopefully its for good this time!

Oh and did I mention we scored a hi-fi set up from a good friend from work? Now we’re all teched out from bedroom to bath – just the way I like it!

Vietnam. Was eye-opening. As my generation hasn’t really been exposed to the harsh realities of what went down in Vietnam back in ’69, I guess I never really knew why we went to war in the first place. As I slowly made my way through the War Remnants museum, reading plaque after plaque and taking in all the graphic propaganda – I was hit with the stark reality that what I was seeing was eerily reminiscent of what is happening today – it’s called Iraq: the war on terror – “Generation Y’s Vietnam”.

War in itself is a very messed up thing; Guerrilla warfare is something different altogether – especially when you are fighting someone else’s war for the sake of Liberation. You can always kill the hater, but you can NEVER kill the hatred. Can you imagine being a young, highly-trained serviceman who has been sent into some foreign land where your enemy looks like and lives with other civilians? How can you expect not to go a little crazy? A little trigger happy perhaps? I mean you are fighting for liberation. But theres one problem – so is the enemy. And until either one believes they have achieved their goal – the violence will never die – and one death just propagates another.

Also managed to venture up to the Cu Chi Tunnels where we learned even more about how the communists fought the ‘enemy’ – the US army. I got to see the inhumane booby-traps that the viet-cong had once littered the jungle with and the many tunnels they would use to remain unscathed. I even got to waddle through one of the actual tunnels – this was a freaky experience to say the least! I mean im not usually claustrophobic, but when its pitch-black, there is no ‘escape hatch’ for at least another 10 metres, and you can’t stand up even if you wanted to – you start to freak out a little.

All in all the trip was great, aside from the emotional stuff, we got to sample the clubs and bars that Ho Chi Minh had to offer – lets just say that communist curfews (12am shutdown of all nightclubs) are a great way to kill the mood!

Aussie life. Still missing home, but realy looking forward to big sis Nes flying over in mid July – its only a month and a half away – woo! She managed to send me a much anticipated parcel – containing two tubs of the coveted Australian owned and made ‘RockStar’ hair product. My good hair days are far from over friends! Oh and the parcel only took 25 days in snail-mail to hit my door-step – so if I ever need a kidney, can you try and fly it here instead?

I missed out on a few birthdays in the past couple of weeks – Terry’s (26th May), big Chris’ (29th May) and my cousin Bec’s (31st May) – which is a major downer, wished I could have been around to help celebrate! I am sure I will miss many, many more… Grrrr…

Gadgets. So I caved and bought a new phone which I paid way too much for…. What can I say? I needed it? Umm… It was essential for me to build my sophisticated facade? Well probably not, but it was hot and I was in serious need of an update -it has already been over a year since I last updated!

I bought the Samsung u600 (Sexy no?) – which I am still trying to get used to. At the moment I am getting p-r-e-t-t-y frustrated with texting – but I’ll get the hang of it soon enough – so if you get some random garbled sms from me, please dont hate – appreciate!

All else. Other than all of the above, life is moving, shifting and changing.  Its challenging, exciting and character building – its all part of the experience…  Well I have blabbed on for far too long, once again… so its time for bed.  I miss you all heaps and keep in touch ok??

Written by Rob

1 June, 2007 at 12:22 am

Posted in Uncategorized

2 Responses

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  1. A puddle of your own sweat…Ummmm…are you sure it was actually sweat???
    It’s a pretty sad case when you discover the YKK thing…you must be bored Rob !!!!


    1 June, 2007 at 2:00 pm

  2. Wow! You have been tre busy! Sounds like life in Sing agrees with you – however we always knew you were more Asian than the Asians!

    But buddy we miss you tonnes – even if you are sweaty! Em-Em and I are new besties! (I love that kid!) and we promise we won’t delete you from the equation!

    Have a WONDERFUL week – you know how much we love ya!

    Xx Danu

    P.S Flankie we miss you too! How’s the new car going? Are you taking good care of our mate Charlee? Let me know if you need anything!


    3 June, 2007 at 6:07 pm

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